Quarantine Problems: A UX Study Case and Solution

Nicole Navarro Carrera
3 min readMar 27, 2020

General Context

For this particular case study, we were asked to dissect diverse problems that have arisen in our society as a result of the quarantine we are being forced to observe due to the outbreak of COVID in March 2020.


Despite there being a lot of processes that have stopped, there are some things that still have to be resolved and cannot be overlooked. I chose to focus on the hardship of attempting to complete and continue to develop legal processes and procedures and develop a solution that can not only be used during this time in quarantine but can be implemented as a way to make them more agile and efficient in regular daily life.


After conducting research on a sample of around 20 people of different ages and nationalities, it became apparent that the hardship we are mostly dealing with is the amount of information that is being overlooked, and the fact that there is a thorough lack of organization by part of both authorities, secretaries, and the government in general. Users need to be able to find a one-stop solution to prioritize their time and understanding of necessary documentation and the steps required to complete it. They should then be able to both submit and obtain the digital version of these documents, which would not only avoid germ transmission but would be increasingly friendly towards the environment, not to mention the convenience of being able to access it at the touch of a button.

Problem Statement and Goals

What product/service are we designing for?

Trámites y procesos burocráticos durante esta época de cuarentena

What goal is this designed to achieve?

Poder agilizar o no dejar de lograr trámites necesarios y urgentes durante este tiempo de crisis.

Which goals are currently not being met?

Users don’t know how to keep processes going.

Instructions are not clear

Modules or secretaries are closed

Negative effects due to unmet goals

Se está contribuyendo al paro absoluto de la sociedad

Se detiene el sistema

Usuarios no pueden obtener cosas relevantes para sus vidas

Métricas que nos dejan saber que estamos resolviendo

Procesos que siguen fluyendo

Tráfico en páginas de internet de secretarías

Consultas y que se envíen y reciban documentos

Que se digitalicen o aumenten bases de datos

Based on this research, How might we help people obtain and complete legal processes without having to physically recur to the different government sites?

How might we organize the available information to make it clear to users the steps they need to take in order to efficiently get these procedures over with?

How might we unify all of these services into a single point of reference for users?

How might we make the transition from paperwork to digital documents?

How might we make a tangible database or information pool for the government to realize that people are using the service and could use this outside of the crisis?


Based on all of the above, I believe that creating an application where users can consult, obtain information, and download and upload necessary documents will achieve a much-needed flow of processes that are currently completely stopped, will aid government officials in their overall backlog and will provide organization that is currently not had even without the COVID Crisis.

User Persona

l del usuario (User journey) (pueden si lo desean usar storyboards en el proceso previo a la solución) — Desarrollo de la solución (explicación a través del mapa mental de cómo por equipo llegarán a la solución) — PROPUESTA DE SOLUCIÓN (Storyboards) — Resumen y Conclusiones — Siguientes pasos

— Gracias !!! (Aplausos, muchos aplausos) Tip: si necesitas un formato atractivo para tu presentación puedes recurrir a esta página https://www.slidescarnival.com/es



Nicole Navarro Carrera

Creative Unicorn. *She exclaimed ever so modestly*. UX·UI and Brand· I solve stuff through communication. I don’t always succeed.